Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Vengeance is sleeping.

Whenever I listen to Neko Case I want to draw dogs.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Am I the only one who thinks audubon's work is magnifique? I love it! I love how the birds look real but creepily fake.

I really am in love with birds. More than one could say. Also I'm in love with Diana Sudyka's work.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pour habiter

Just a quickie of some bamboo in the front of an HFAC. Charcoal Not much, but something to post.

Je crois que c'est une bonne idee pour habiter au le foreign language residence center l'an prochain. Peut-etre. Je crois aussi que c'est une bonne idee pour savoir comment faire les accents sur l'ordinateur ( comme l'accent agu, la circonflexe, les autres....)

Les francais amis:

Si c'est votre langue maternelle, je suis desolee que vous avez vu les phrases nulle que j'ai ecris sur le blog. Je ne pense pas que je peux parler ou ecrire tres bien, mais j'ai essayer toujours. J'espere qu'un jour je comprendrais comment ecrire comme vous, mais pour ce-moment la, c'est seulement pour pratiquer!!!! Merci pour la patience!

Des Cousines.

I went to my aunt's house this weekend and got to spend time with my lovely cousins in highland......

Here is beautiful Hazel Seamons.

Some non-photog art will be posted soon.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Figure Drawing On Friday

Someone told me the other day that it was a great idea to just focus one thing when doing figure drawings, because its hard to nail it all at the same time.

So yesterday I focused on just getting the lines of a figure.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Andrew Bird Cool Factor

If I was cool enough to make a poster for Andrew Bird it might look something like this:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dylan, Je t'aime.

I've come to terms that I have a big crush on this man:

"I'm going back to New York City, I do believe I've had enough"

I've had enough too, Dylan!

Here's my fun swedish friend, Mikaela.

Friday, October 9, 2009

J'aime dessiner

My sister's baby face and some old work.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I love taking photos on cell phones because I feel like the image is so unusually crappy that it would actually make a cool painting. That thought has nothing to do with these images by the way. These are just some of my drawings lately....